Who did all this?
A dedicated and growing team of smart, creative programmers and computer scientists -- but we just call them engineers.
They come to Google with expertise in a large range of topics. And before they joined Google, some of them also built software, hardware, tools and other technology you might have used:
- A Bug's Life
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Alpha CPUs and Alpha-based Multiprocessor Systems
- Apple Lisa
- Aspect-oriented Programming
- ATOM (A Tool for Object-file Modification)
- Cilk
- CiteSeer
- Cyrus IMAP
- Deep Space 1
- The Digital Michelangelo Project
- Epi Info
- FLASH Project
- FreeBSD
- GIGAswitch/ATM (Autonet 2)
- Gimp
- Gnome
- Gnumeric
- GNU findutils
- GNU coreutils
- gtk
- The Human Genome Project
- Hyperbolic Browsing
- ical
- IEEE Std 1003.1, POSIX
- Interlisp Itsy Pocket Computer
- Java HotSpot
- The Java Virtual Machine Specification
- JScheme
- lex (by our CEO!)
- Mars Exploration Rover
- MIT/GNU Scheme
- Perl
- Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox
- Plan 9
- Python
- Sather
- Sequitur
- SiByte SB-1250 Processor
- The Self Language and Compilation System
- Subversion
- SUIF Compiler
- Surfbot
- Toy Story 2
- Unix
- UTF-8
- Venti
- Visual Threads
- Vortex Compiler
- WebTV
- xscreensaver